Isaac Albeniz

1860 Camprodon Spain - 1909 Cambo-les Bains France
Gravesite: Barcelona Spain

Isaac Albeniz Biography

Isaac Albeniz best work

At the end of his life Isaac Albeniz composed what is considered his masterpiece and one of the finest piano compositions ever written, the Iberia suite, created between 1905 and 1909, a luminous and moving evocation of Spain composed from his retirement in the French countryside due to his health problems.

Works of Isaac Albeniz

97 works of Isaac Albeniz.

Genres of compositions by Isaac Albeniz

The Isaac Albeniz works include: Choral music, Instrumental music, Musica concertante (opera for several voices), Camera Music, Zarzuela , Zarzuela, Symphonies, Incidental music for voices, Opera, lyrical comedy, Operetta in two acts, Opera in three acts, Zarzuela in one act and two scenes, Opera, lyric comedy in three acts, Zarzuela in three acts, mainly.