Johannes Brahms
1833 Hamburg
Germany - 1897
Works of Johannes Brahms
- Op. 1 Piano Sonata No. 1 in C major 1853
- Op. 2 Piano Sonata No. 2 in F sharp minor 1853
- Op. 3 In a Foreign Land 1853
- Op. 3 Love and Spring I 1853
- Op. 3 Love and Spring II 1853
- Op. 3 Lovingly 1853
- Op. 3 Six songs for tenor or soprano and piano 1853
- Op. 3 Song 1853
- Op. 3 Song 1853
- Op. 4 Scherzo in E flat minor for piano 1851
- Op. 5 Piano Sonata No. 3 in F minor 1853
- Op. 6 Aftermath 1853
- Op. 6 Juche 1853
- Op. 6 Like the cloud after the sun 1853
- Op. 6 Nightingales swing merrily 1853
- Op. 6 Six songs for tenor or soprano and piano 1853
- Op. 6 Spanish song 1853
- Op. 6 The Spring 1853
- Op. 7 Echoes 1853
- Op. 7 Faithful love 1853
- Op. 7 Folk song 1853
- Op. 7 Homecoming 1853
- Op. 7 Six songs for voice and piano 1853
- Op. 7 Slogan 1853
- Op. 7 The mourner 1853
- Op. 8 Piano Trio No. 1 in B major two versions original 1854 and the 1891 revision 1854
- Op. 9 Sixteen variations for piano on a theme by Schumann 1854
- Op. 10 Ballade in B major 1854
- Op. 10 Ballade in B minor 1854
- Op. 10 Ballade in D major 1854
- Op. 10 Ballade in D minor 1854
- Op. 10 Four ballads for piano 1854
- Op. 11 Serenade No. 1 in D major for orchestra 1857
- Op. 12 Ave Maria for women's choir and orchestra or organ 1858
- Op. 13 Funeral song Cançó fúnebre) per a cor i instruments de vent 1858
- Op. 14 A sonnet 1858
- Op. 14 Eight songs and romances for voice and piano 1858
- Op. 14 Going to the beloved 1858
- Op. 14 Longing 1858
- Op. 14 Murray's murder 1858
- Op. 14 Outside the window 1858
- Op. 14 Separation 1858
- Op. 14 Serenade 1858
- Op. 14 The wounded boy 1858
- Op. 15 Concert for piano number. 1 in D minor 1858
- Op. 16 Serenade no. 2 in A major for small orchestra 1859
- Op. 17 A full harp sound resounds 1860
- Op. 17 Four songs (Quatre cançons) per a cor de dones, 2 trompes i arpa 1860
- Op. 17 Song by Shakespeare 1860
- Op. 17 Song from Fingal 1860
- Op. 17 The Gardener 1860
- Op. 18 String Sextet No. 1 in B flat major for 2 violins, 2 violas, and 2 cellos 1860
- Op. 19 Five poems for voice and piano 1859
- Op. 19 In the Distance 1859
- Op. 19 Separation and Avoidance 1859
- Op. 19 The Blacksmith 1859
- Op. 19 The Kiss 1859
- Op. 19 To an Aeolian Harp 1859
- Op. 20 Eleven variations on an original theme, in D major (1857) 1857
- Op. 20 Fourteen variations on a Hungarian melody, in D major 1857
- Op. 20 Path of Love I 1860
- Op. 20 Path of Love II 1860
- Op. 20 The Seas 1860
- Op. 20 Tres duets for a soprano and contrast amb piano 1860
- Op. 20 Two sets of variations for piano 1860
- Op. 22 Call to Mary 1860
- Op. 22 Magdalene 1860
- Op. 22 Marienlieder Songs to Mary for mixed choir 1860
- Op. 22 Mary's pilgrimage 1860
- Op. 22 Mary's visit to church 1860
- Op. 22 Praise of Mary 1860
- Op. 22 The English greeting 1860
- Op. 22 The hunter 1860
- Op. 23 Variations for piano four hands on a theme by Schumann 1861
- Op. 24 Variations and fugue for piano on a theme by Handel 1861
- Op. 25 Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor 1861
- Op. 26 Piano Quartet No. 2 in A major 1861
- Op. 27 Psalm No. 13 for 3-voice women's choir with organ or piano 1859
- Op. 28 Four duets for contralto and baritone with piano 1862
- Op. 28 In front of the door 1862
- Op. 28 The hunter and his sweetheart 1862
- Op. 28 The Nun and the Knight 1862
- Op. 28 The water rushes 1862
- Op. 29 Create in me, God, a pure heart 1860
- Op. 29 Salvation has come to us 1860
- Op. 29 Two motets for 5-voice mixed choir 1860
- Op. 30 Spiritual song (Cançons espirituals) for a cor mixed with the organ 1856
- Op. 31 Alternating song for dancing (1859) 1864
- Op. 31 Teasing (1863) 1864
- Op. 31 The walk to the sweetheart (1863) 1864
- Op. 31 Three quartets for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and piano 1864
- Op. 32 How I pull myself together in the night 1864
- Op. 32 I sneak around 1864
- Op. 32 Nine songs for voice and piano 1864
- Op. 32 Not to go to you anymore 1864
- Op. 32 So we stand, me and my willow 1864
- Op. 32 The stream that rustled beside me 1864
- Op. 32 What are you like, my queen 1864
- Op. 32 Woe, you want me again 1864
- Op. 32 You say that I was mistaken 1864
- Op. 32 You think you are saying bitter things 1864
- Op. 33 Despair (So sounds, foaming waves) 1864
- Op. 33 Faithful love lasts a long time 1864
- Op. 33 Fifteen romances Magalone-Lieder) for piano based on Tieck's Liebesgeschichte der schönen Magelone 1864
- Op. 33 How am I supposed to bear the joy, the bliss? 1864
- Op. 33 How happy and fresh 1864
- Op. 33 How quickly light disappears like shine 1864
- Op. 33 Is it pain, is it joy 1864
- Op. 33 Love came from distant lands 1864
- Op. 33 Must there be a separation 1864
- Op. 33 No one has regretted it yet 1864
- Op. 33 Peace, sweetheart 1864
- Op. 33 So you want the poor one? 1864
- Op. 33 Sulima (Beloved, where does your wandering foot hesitate?) 1864
- Op. 33 Trust! Bow and arrow are good for the enemy 1864
- Op. 33 Was it you whose lips trembled 1864
- Op. 33 We must part 1864
- Op. 34b Sonata for two pianos in F minor 1863
- Op. 34 Piano Quintet in F minor 1864
- Op. 35 Piano Studies in A minor - Variations on a Theme by Paganini 1863
- Op. 36 String Sextet No. 2 in G major 1865
- Op. 37 O good Jesus 1863
- Op. 37 Queen of Heaven 1863
- Op. 37 Three Spiritual Choruses for women's choir a cappella 1863
- Op. 37 We adore 1863
- Op. 38 Cello Sonata No. 1 in E minor 1865
- Op. 39 Sixteen Waltzes for Piano 1865
- Op. 40 Trio for horn or cello or viola), violin and piano in E flat major 1865
- Op. 41 Escort 1862
- Op. 41 Five songs for male choir 1862
- Op. 41 I wave my horn into the vale of tears 1862
- Op. 41 March 1862
- Op. 41 Pay attention! 1862
- Op. 41 Volunteers here! 1862
- Op. 42 Abendstänchen 1860
- Op. 42 Darthulas Grabegesang 1860
- Op. 42 Drei Gesänge (Three songs) for mixed choir 1860
- Op. 42 vignette 1860
- Op. 43 Four songs for voice and piano 1866
- Op. 43 I sound my horn in the valley of tears 1866
- Op. 43 Of eternal love 1866
- Op. 43 The May night 1866
- Op. 43 The song of the Lord of Falkenstein 1866
- Op. 44 Barcarole 1859
- Op. 44 Four Songs from the Fountain of Youth (I) 1859
- Op. 44 Four Songs from the Fountain of Youth (II) 1859
- Op. 44 Four Songs from the Fountain of Youth (III) 1859
- Op. 44 Four Songs from the Fountain of Youth (IV) 1859
- Op. 44 March Night 1859
- Op. 44 Minnelied 1859
- Op. 44 Questions 1859
- Op. 44 The Bride 1859
- Op. 44 The Groom 1859
- Op. 44 The Miller's Wife 1859
- Op. 44 The Nun 1859
- Op. 44 Twelve songs and romances for women's choir a cappella or with piano ad libitum 1859
- Op. 45 Ein deutsches Requiem (A German Requiem) for soprano and baritone soloists, mixed choir and orchestra 1868
- Op. 46 Four songs for voice and piano 1864
- Op. 46 Hungarian 1864
- Op. 46 The Bowl of Oblivion 1864
- Op. 46 The Wreaths 1864
- Op. 46 To the Nightingale 1864
- Op. 47 Five songs for voice and piano 1868
- Op. 47 Love's glow 1868
- Op. 47 Message 1868
- Op. 47 O lovely cheeks 1868
- Op. 47 Sunday 1868
- Op. 47 The lover writes 1868
- Op. 48 Autumn feeling 1853
- Op. 48 Consolation in tears 1853
- Op. 48 Gold outweighs love 1853
- Op. 48 Happiness and salvation are gone for me 1853
- Op. 48 Set cançons per a veu i piano 1853
- Op. 48 The defector 1853
- Op. 48 The girl's love complaint 1853
- Op. 48 The walk to the sweetheart 1853
- Op. 49 Five songs for voice and piano 1868
- Op. 49 Longing 1868
- Op. 49 Lullaby 1868
- Op. 49 On Sunday morning 1868
- Op. 49 To a violet 1868
- Op. 49 Twilight 1868
- Op. 50 Rinaldo. Cantata for tenor, choir and orchestra 1868
- Op. 51 Quartet for string no. 1 in minor 1873
- Op. 51 Quartet for string no. 2 in major 1873
- Op. 51 Two string quartets 1873
- Op. 52 A small, pretty bird took flight 1870
- Op. 52 Don't wander, my light out there, per a tenor 1870
- Op. 52 If your eyes were so gentle to me 1870
- Op. 52 Like the beautiful blush of the evening, per a soprano i contralt 1870
- Op. 52 Little birds roar through the air, per a soprano i contralt 1870
- Op. 52 Look, how clear the wave is, per a tenor i baix 1870
- Op. 52 Love is a dark shaft 1870
- Op. 52a Love song waltz (Valsos amorosos) per a piano a quatre mans sense veus); Arrangement of the Op. 52. 1870
- Op. 52 Love songs-waltzes (Valsos amorosos) for 4 violins and piano for four men. Vuit d'ells arranjats per a veus i orquestra 1870
- Op. 52 Nightingale, she sings so beautifully 1870
- Op. 52 No, it cannot be avoided 1870
- Op. 52 O how gentle the spring 1870
- Op. 52 O the women, per a tenor i baix 1870
- Op. 52 On the banks of the Danube, there stands a house 1870
- Op. 52 Open the lock and make locks 1870
- Op. 52 Speak, girl, all too dear 1870
- Op. 52 The bushes are trembling 1870
- Op. 52 The flood roars on the rocks 1870
- Op. 52 The green hop vine 1870
- Op. 52 Well dressed, per a contralt 1870
- Op. 53 Rapsòdia for contralt, cor d'homes i orquestra 1870
- Op. 54 Fate song Cant del destí) for a cor i orquestra 1871
- Op. 55 Triumph song Cant triomfal) for a cor a 8 veus i orquestra orgue ad libitum) 1871
- Op. 56b Variations on a theme by Haydn for dos pianos 1873
- Op. 56a Variations on a theme by Haydn for orchestra 1873
- Op. 57 From forest-crowned heights 1871
- Op. 57 If you only smile sometimes 1871
- Op. 57 In my nightly longing 1871
- Op. 57 It dreamed I was dear to you 1871
- Op. 57 Oh, turn this gaze 1871
- Op. 57 Sometimes a gentle light shines 1871
- Op. 57 The string that pearl on pearl 1871
- Op. 57 Unmoved, warm air 1871
- Op. 57 Vuit cançons for a veu i piano sobre text de Daumer 1871
- Op. 58 Blind man's buff 1871
- Op. 58 During the rain 1871
- Op. 58 In the alley 1871
- Op. 58 Melancholy 1871
- Op. 58 O come, lovely summer night 1871
- Op. 58 Past 1871
- Op. 58 Serenade 1871
- Op. 58 The Brittle 1871
- Op. 58 Vuit cançons for a veu i piano 1871
- Op. 59 A good, good night 1873
- Op. 59 Agnes 1873
- Op. 59 Echo 1873
- Op. 59 My wounded heart 1873
- Op. 59 On the lake 1873
- Op. 59 Rain song 1873
- Op. 59 Twilight descended from above 1873
- Op. 59 Vuit cançons per a veu i piano 1873
- Op. 59 Your blue eye 1873
- Op. 60 Quartet per a piano núm. 3 in the minor 1875
- Op. 61 Cloistered nun 1874
- Op. 61 Phenomenon 1874
- Op. 61 Quatre duets for soprano and contralt with piano 1874
- Op. 61 The messengers of love 1874
- Op. 61 The sisters 1874
- Op. 62 A breath is blowing 1874
- Op. 62 All my heart's thoughts 1874
- Op. 62 Forest night 1874
- Op. 62 Happiness and salvation are gone for me 1874
- Op. 62 Of old love songs 1874
- Op. 62 Rosemary 1874
- Op. 62 Seven songs Set of cançons) for a mixed choir 1874
- Op. 62 Your little heart is gentle 1874
- Op. 63 Homesickness I 1874
- Op. 63 Homesickness II 1874
- Op. 63 Homesickness III 1874
- Op. 63 Memory 1874
- Op. 63 Nou cançons for a veu i piano 1874
- Op. 63 Of a picture 1874
- Op. 63 Spring comfort 1874
- Op. 63 To the doves 1874
- Op. 63 Young songs I 1874
- Op. 63 Young songs II 1874
- Op. 64 Questions 1874
- Op. 64 The evening 1874
- Op. 64 To the homeland 1874
- Op. 64 Tres quartets for soprano, contralt, baix i piano 1874
- Op. 64 Black forest, your shadow is so dark 1875
- Op. 64 Dark shadows of the night 1875
- Op. 64 Everything, everything in the wind, per a soprano 1875
- Op. 64 Eye of flame, dark hair 1875
- Op. 64 Finally: Now, muses, enough! New love songs Nous valsos amorosos) for piano a quatre mans 1875
- Op. 64 From the mountains, wave after wave 1875
- Op. 64 Gnawing at the heart, per a soprano (hi ha un arranjament per a soprano i orquestra) 1875
- Op. 64 I caress sweetly with this and that, per a tenor 1875
- Op. 64 No, beloved, sit down, per a soprano i contralt 1875
- Op. 64 Pin roses to the mother, per a soprano 1875
- Op. 64 Renunciation, o heart, on Rescue 1875
- Op. 64 Soft grasses in the area 1875
- Op. 64 The fingers on each hand, per a soprano 1875
- Op. 64 True, true to your son, per a contralt 1875
- Op. 64 You black eyes, per a baix 1875
- Op. 65a Finc duets for soprano and contralt amb piano 1873
- Op. 65 New love songs (Nous valsos amorosos) for a 4 veus i piano a quatre mans 1875
- Op. 66 Be careful! 1875
- Op. 66 Five duets for soprano and alto with piano 1875
- Op. 66 Hunter's song 1875
- Op. 66 On the beach 1875
- Op. 66 Sounds I 1875
- Op. 66 Sounds II 1875
- Op. 67 Quartet de corda núm. 3 en si bemoll minor 1876
- Op. 68 Symphony núm. 1 en do minor 1876
- Op. 69 Across the sea 1877
- Op. 69 Farewell 1877
- Op. 69 From the beach 1877
- Op. 69 Girl's curse 1877
- Op. 69 Lament I 1877
- Op. 69 Lament II 1877
- Op. 69 Nou cançons for a veu i piano 1877
- Op. 69 Salome 1877
- Op. 69 Tambour song 1877
- Op. 69 The beloved's oath 1877
- Op. 70 Evening rain 1877
- Op. 70 In the garden by the sea 1877
- Op. 70 Lark song 1877
- Op. 70 Quatre cançons for a veu i piano 1877
- Op. 70 Serenade 1877
- Op. 71 Do you want me to go? 1877
- Op. 71 Finc cançons for a veu i piano 1877
- Op. 71 Love is so sweet in spring! To the moon 1877
- Op. 71 Lovely song 1877
- Op. 71 Secret 1877
- Op. 71 To the Moon 1877
- Op. 72 Despair 1877
- Op. 72 Five songs for two pianos 1877
- Op. 72 Invincible 1877
- Op. 72 O cool forest 1877
- Op. 72 Old love 1877
- Op. 72 Summer threads 1877
- Op. 73 Symphony núm. 2 in re major 1877
- Op. 74 Dos motets for a cor mixed a cappella 1877
- Op. 74 O Savior, tear open the heavens (1863) about an Advent song 1877
- Op. 74 Why is light given to the weary? (1877) 1877
- Op. 75 Edward 1878
- Op. 75 Four ballads and romances for two pianos 1878
- Op. 75 Good advice 1878
- Op. 75 So let us wander! Walpurgis Night 1878
- Op. 75 Walpurgis Night 1878
- Op. 76 Capriccio en do major 1878
- Op. 76 Capriccio en do♯ minor 1878
- Op. 76 Capriccio en fa♯ minor 1878
- Op. 76 Capriccio en si minor 1878
- Op. 76 Intermezzo en la major 1878
- Op. 76 Intermezzo en la minor 1878
- Op. 76 Intermezzo en la♭ major 1878
- Op. 76 Intermezzo en si♭ major 1878
- Op. 76 We play with a piano 1878
- Op. 77 Concert for a violí in re major estrenat in Vienna by the violinist Marie Schlacht-Roeger[1] 1878
- Op. 78 Sonata per a violin number. 1 en sol major 1879
- Op. 79 Dues rapsòdies per a piano 1879
- Op. 79 Rapsòdia en si menor 1879
- Op. 79 Rapsòdia en sol menor 1879
- Op. 80 Obertura per al festival acadèmica per an orquestra 1880
- Op. 81 Obertura tràgica per an orquestra 1880
- Op. 82 Nänie, per a cor i orquestra arpa ad libitum) 1881
- Op. 83 Concert per a piano number. 2 in si be minor major 1881
- Op. 84 Cinc romances and cançons per a una or dues veus amb piano 1882
- Op. 84 Futile serenade 1882
- Op. 84 In the berries 1882
- Op. 84 Summer evening 1882
- Op. 84 Tension 1882
- Op. 84 The wreath 1882
- Op. 85 Girl song 1882
- Op. 85 Goodbye! 1882
- Op. 85 In forest solitude 1882
- Op. 85 Moonshine 1882
- Op. 85 Sis cançons per a veu i piano 1882
- Op. 85 Spring song 1882
- Op. 85 Summer evening 1882
- Op. 86 Death yearnings 1882
- Op. 86 Over the heath 1882
- Op. 86 Six songs for bass voice and piano 1882
- Op. 86 Sleepwalker 1882
- Op. 86 Solitude in the fields 1882
- Op. 86 Sunken 1882
- Op. 86 Therese 1882
- Op. 87 Piano Trio No. 2 in C major 1882
- Op. 88 String Quintet No. 1 in F major 1882
- Op. 89 Gesang der Parzen (Song of the Parks) for 6 voices, choir and orchestra 1882
- Op. 90 Symphony No. 3 in F major 1883
- Op. 91 Satisfied longing 1884
- Op. 91 Spiritual lullaby 1884
- Op. 91 Two songs for alto, viola and piano 1884
- Op. 92 Evening song 1889
- Op. 92 Four quartets for solo voices and piano 1889
- Op. 92 Late autumn 1889
- Op. 92 O beautiful night 1889
- Op. 92 Why? 1889
- Op. 93a Farewell! The falcon 1889
- Op. 93a O sweet May 1889
- Op. 93a Obedience 1889
- Op. 93a Six songs and romances for mixed choir 1889
- Op. 93b Tafellied (Table Song) for mixed choir of 6 voices and piano 1889
- Op. 93a Take to heart 1889
- Op. 93a The girl 1889
- Op. 93a The hunchbacked fiddler 1889
- Op. 94 At forty years of age 1884
- Op. 94 Five songs for 8 voices and piano 1884
- Op. 94 My heart is heavy 1884
- Op. 94 No house, no home 1884
- Op. 94 Rise up, beloved shadow 1884
- Op. 94 Sapphic ode 1884
- Op. 95 Girl's song 1884
- Op. 95 Hasty oath 1884
- Op. 95 It was beautiful, what I dedicated to you 1884
- Op. 95 My thoughts are with you 1884
- Op. 95 Seven songs for voice and piano 1884
- Op. 95 The girl 1884
- Op. 95 The hunter 1884
- Op. 95 When we say goodbye 1884
- Op. 96 Death is the cool night 1884
- Op. 96 Four songs for voice and piano 1884
- Op. 96 Sea voyage 1884
- Op. 96 The flowers are watching 1884
- Op. 96 We walked 1884
- Op. 97 Abduction 1885
- Op. 97 Come soon 1885
- Op. 97 Nightingale 1885
- Op. 97 On the ship 1885
- Op. 97 Separation 1885
- Op. 97 Six songs for voice and piano 1885
- Op. 97 There in the willows 1885
- Op. 98 Symphony núm. 4 en mi menor 1885
- Op. 99 Sonata for a violoncel núm. 2 in fa major 1886
- Op. 100 Sonata per a violin number. 2 en la major 1886
- Op. 101 Trio number 3 en do menor per a piano, violí i violoncel 1886
- Op. 102 Double concert en la menor per a violí, violoncel i orquestra 1887
- Op. 103 Brown boy leads to the dance 1887
- Op. 103 Dear God, you know how often I have regretted 1887
- Op. 103 Do you know when my little child is at his most beautiful? 1887
- Op. 103 Does it sometimes occur to you 1887
- Op. 103 Hey, gypsy, grab the strings! 1887
- Op. 103 Listen, the wind is lamenting sadly and gently in the branches 1887
- Op. 103 No one is looking at me far and wide 1887
- Op. 103 Red evening clouds are moving across the firmament 1887
- Op. 103 The moon covers its face 1887
- Op. 103 Three little roses in a row bloom so red 1887
- Op. 103 Towering Rima flood, how cloudy you are 1887
- Op. 103 Zigeunerlieder (Gypsy songs) for voice and piano 1887
- Op. 104 In autumn (1886) 1886
- Op. 104 Fünf Gesänge (Five pieces) for mixed chorus a cappella 1888
- Op. 104 Last happiness 1888
- Op. 104 Lost youth 1888
- Op. 104 Night watch I 1888
- Op. 104 Night watch II 1888
- Op. 105 Betrayal 1888
- Op. 105 Five songs (Cinc cançons) for a 8 veus i piano 1888
- Op. 105 In the churchyard 1888
- Op. 105 It draws me like melodies 1888
- Op. 105 Lament 1888
- Op. 105 My slumber is getting quieter and quieter 1888
- Op. 106 A wanderer 1886
- Op. 106 Five songs for voice and piano 1886
- Op. 106 My songs 1886
- Op. 106 On the lake 1886
- Op. 106 Serenade 1886
- Op. 106 The frost was hanging 1886
- Op. 107 Five songs for voice and piano 1888
- Op. 107 Girl's song 1888
- Op. 107 May catkins 1888
- Op. 107 Salamander 1888
- Op. 107 The girl speaks 1888
- Op. 107 To the proud one 1888
- Op. 108 Violin Sonata No. 3 in D minor 1887
- Op. 109 Fest- und Gedenksprüche (Festive and Commemorative Pieces) for mixed choir 1889
- Op. 109 Our fathers hoped in you 1889
- Op. 109 When a strong armed man 1889
- Op. 109 Where is such a glorious people 1889
- Op. 110 Ah, poor world 1889
- Op. 110 But I am Milend 1889
- Op. 110 Three motets for 4 and 8-voice choir a cappella 1889
- Op. 110 When we are in dire need 1889
- Op. 111 String Quintet No. 2 in G major Prater 1890
- Op. 112 At night 1891
- Op. 112 Dear swallow, little swallow 1891
- Op. 112 Longing 1891
- Op. 112 Nettle stands at the side of the road 1891
- Op. 112 Red rosebuds announce 1891
- Op. 112 Six quartets for solo voices and piano 1891
- Op. 112 The sky shines so brightly 1891
- Op. 113 Thirteen Canons for Women's Voices 1891
- Op. 114 Trio in A minor for clarinet 1891
- Op. 115 Quintet in B minor for clarinet and string quartet 1891
- Op. 116 Capriccio in D minor 1891
- Op. 116 Capriccio in D minor 1891
- Op. 116 Capriccio in G minor 1891
- Op. 116 Intermezzo in E major 1891
- Op. 116 Intermezzo in E major 1891
- Op. 116 Intermezzo in E minor 1891
- Op. 116 Intermezzo in the minor 1891
- Op. 116 Seven Fantasies for Piano 1891
- Op. 117 Intermezzo in B♭ minor 1892
- Op. 117 Intermezzo in C♯ minor 1892
- Op. 117 Intermezzo in E♭ major 1892
- Op. 117 Three intermezzi for piano 1892
- Op. 118 Ballad in G minor 1893
- Op. 118 Intermezzo in E♭ minor 1893
- Op. 118 Intermezzo in F minor 1893
- Op. 118 Intermezzo in major 1893
- Op. 118 Intermezzo in the minor 1893
- Op. 118 Romance makes it bigger 1893
- Op. 118 Six pieces for piano 1893
- Op. 119 Four pieces for piano 1893
- Op. 119 Intermezzo in B minor (Adagio) 1893
- Op. 119 Intermezzo in C major (Grazioso e giocoso) 1893
- Op. 119 Intermezzo in E minor (Andantino un poco agitato) 1893
- Op. 119 Rhapsody in E♭ major (Allegro risoluto) 1893
- Op. 120 2 Clarinet Sonatas 1894
- Op. 120 Clarinet Sonata No. 1 in F minor 1894
- Op. 120 Clarinet Sonata No. 2 in E flat major 1894
- Op. 121 For it is the case with man 1896
- Op. 121 Four serious songs 1896
- Op. 121 I turned and looked at everyone 1896
- Op. 121 If I spoke with human and angelic tongues 1896
- Op. 121 O death, how bitter you are 1896
- Op. 122 A rose has sprung up 1896
- Op. 122 Adorn yourself, O dear soul 1896
- Op. 122 Dearest Jesus, what have you done wrong 1896
- Op. 122 Give me joy with all my heart 1896
- Op. 122 I long with all my heart (primera versió) 1896
- Op. 122 I long with all my heart (segona versió) 1896
- Op. 122 My Jesus, who loves me 1896
- Op. 122 O God, you pious God 1896
- Op. 122 O how blessed you are, you pious ones 1896
- Op. 122 O world, I must leave you (first version) 1896
- Op. 122 O world, I must leave you (segona versió) 1896
- Op. 122 Onze preludis corals per a orgue 1896
- for piano four hands (no. 1, 3, 10) 21 Hungarian Dances WoO 11869
- Prelude and Fugue in G minor for organ WoO 10
- Cadenza for Harpsichord Concerto No. 1 in D minor WoO 11
- Two Cadenzas for Piano Concerto No. 4 WoO 12
- Three Cadenzas (1 for the first movement WoO 13
- Cadenza for Piano Concerto No. 20 WoO 14
- Cadenza for Piano Concerto No. 24 WoO 15
- Small wedding cantata per a soprano WoO 16
- Kyrie per a 4 veus mixtes i baix continu WoO 17
- Agnus Dei en fa menor WoO 18
- Benedictus en fa major WoO 18
- Dona Nobis Pacem en do major WoO 18
- Missa canònica per a cor mixt a 4–6 veus WoO 18
- Sanctus en la♭ major WoO 18
- Your little heart is mild – song per a cor de dones a 4 veus WoO 19
- Scherzo from the Sonata F-A-E (1853) (the other 3 movements are by Robert Schumann and Albert Dietrich) WoO 21853
- To the dark womb of the holy earth - song per a veu sola i piano WoO 20
- Mondnacht – Song per a veu sola i piano WoO 21
- Ophelia's Songs amb acompanyament de piano WoO 22
- Rain Song – Song per a veu sola i piano WoO 23
- Grausam reveals himself Love to me - Canon for 4 women's voices WoO 24
- Spring does not smile to me - Canon for 4 women's voices WoO 25
- O how gentle! – Cannon for 4 female voices WoO 26
- Spruch – Cannon for solo and viola WoO 27
- Tone WoO 28
- When? – Canon for soprano and alto WoO 29
- Gavotte in A major WoO 3
- Gavotte in A minor WoO 3
- Two Gavottes for Piano WoO 3
- Zu Rauch muss warden – Canon for 4 voices WoO 30
- 15 Deutsche Volkskinderlieder (Traditional German Children's Songs) for solo voice and piano WoO 31
- Christmas WoO 31
- Heidenröslein WoO 31
- Little Ladybug WoO 31
- Lullaby WoO 31
- Riding on the Knee [2 versions] WoO 31
- Sandman WoO 31
- Sleeping Beauty WoO 31
- Summer Song WoO 31
- The Girl and the Hazel WoO 31
- The Guardian Angel WoO 31
- The Hen WoO 31
- The Hunter in the Forest WoO 31
- The Land of Cockaigne WoO 31
- The Man WoO 31
- The Nightingale WoO 31
- (a) The faithful Eckard WoO 32
- 28 Deutsche Volkslieder (Traditional German Songs) for voice and piano WoO 32
- A knight rode WoO 32
- A master rides and his servant too WoO 32
- Day-by-day from a beautiful woman WoO 32
- Good evening WoO 32
- Gunhilde WoO 32
- I stood one morning WoO 32
- Love song WoO 32
- Mary's pilgrimage WoO 32
- Night song WoO 32
- Old love song WoO 32
- Parting WoO 32
- Reaper's death WoO 32
- Saint Elizabeth WoO 32
- Seaman's song WoO 32
- The corset WoO 32
- The daughter's wish WoO 32
- The dead guest WoO 32
- The English greeting WoO 32
- The girl and death WoO 32
- The hunter WoO 32
- The lust in May WoO 32
- The Margrave's daughter WoO 32
- The rider WoO 32
- The temptation WoO 32
- The two royal children WoO 32
- Three little birds WoO 32
- Up, give us the Whitsun egg WoO 32
- 49 Deutsche Volkslieder (German Folk Songs) for solo voice (1–42) and small ad lib choir (43–49) with piano accompaniment WoO 33
- A knight rode WoO 33
- A master and his servant ride WoO 33
- A very lovely girl has joined us WoO 33
- Ah, English shepherdess WoO 33
- All my thoughts WoO 33
- Allow me, a lovely girl WoO 33
- Beautiful eyes, beautiful rays WoO 33
- Damsel, shall I go with you WoO 33
- Delicate darling, you shall not go barefoot WoO 33
- Down there in the valley WoO 33
- Good evening, my thousand-year-old darling WoO 33
- Gunhilde WoO 33
- How do I get in the door? WoO 33
- I have a beautiful brown maiden WoO 33
- I know a maiden, pretty and fine WoO 33
- I stood on a high mountain WoO 33
- I want to lament to heaven WoO 33
- In the evening I can't go to sleep WoO 33
- In the silent night, at first watch WoO 33
- Little sister, little sister, when shall we go WoO 33
- Mary went out to wander WoO 33
- Most beautiful darling, my angel WoO 33
- My girl has rose-colored lips WoO 33
- Nightingale, tell me what greetings WoO 33
- Oh God, how painful it is to part WoO 33
- Oh, if only I could this evening WoO 33
- Oh, mold, I want something! WoO 33
- Once upon a time there was a carpenter's apprentice WoO 33
- Only one face lives on earth WoO 33
- Our wife went WoO 33
- Shouldn't the moon shine brighter WoO 33
- So I wish her good night WoO 33
- Tell me, oh my most beautiful shepherdess WoO 33
- The moon rises furtively WoO 33
- The sun is no longer shining WoO 33
- There is a house in the meadows WoO 33
- There lives a fiddler in Frankfurt am Main WoO 33
- There sat a snow-white bird WoO 33
- There stands a linden tree WoO 33
- There was a beautiful Jewess WoO 33
- There was a margrave over the Rhine WoO 33
- There went a delicate little girl WoO 33
- There were three roses WoO 33
- Verstohlen geht der Mond auf WoO 33
- Wake up, my beautiful heart WoO 33
- Wake up, my refuge WoO 33
- Where are you going, you proud one? The rider WoO 33
- Where I want to be fresh and happy WoO 33
- You, my only light WoO 33
- 14 Deutsche Volkslieder (German Folk Songs) for choir (SATB) WoO 34
- At night WoO 34
- Farewell song WoO 34
- From the holy martyr Emmerano WoO 34
- I would ride out with pleasure WoO 34
- In silent night, at the first watch WoO 34
- Morning song WoO 34
- Of noble nature WoO 34
- Oh dear Lord Jesus Christ WoO 34
- Reaper's death WoO 34
- Saint Raphael WoO 34
- The dead boy WoO 34
- The English hunter WoO 34
- The lust in May WoO 34
- White dove WoO 34
- 12 Deutsche Volkslieder (Traditional German Songs) for choir (SATB) WoO 35
- Allow me WoO 35
- Down there in the valley WoO 35
- In the evening WoO 35
- Old folk song WoO 35
- Old German battle song WoO 35
- Parting WoO 35
- The carpenter's apprentice WoO 35
- The fiddler WoO 35
- The knight and the lady WoO 35
- There in the meadows WoO 35
- Wake up! WoO 35
- Wake up! WoO 35
- 8 Deutsche Volkslieder (German traditional songs) for chorus with 3 or 4 female voices WoO 36
- 16 Deutsche Volkslieder (Traditional German Songs) for chorus with 3 or 4 female voices WoO 37
- 20 Deutsche Volkslieder (German traditional songs) for chorus with 3 or 4 female voices WoO 38
- Giga in A minor WoO 4
- Giga in B minor WoO 4
- Two Gigas for Piano WoO 4
- Sarabande in A minor WoO 5
- Sarabande in B minor WoO 5
- Two Sarabandes for Piano WoO 5
- 51 Übungen (Exercises) for Piano WoO 6
- Choral Prelude and Fugue on O Traurigkeit WoO 7
- Fugue in A♭ minor for organ WoO 8
- Prelude and Fugue in A minor for organ WoO 9
682 works of Johannes Brahms.
Genres of compositions by Johannes Brahms
The Johannes Brahms works include: , mainly.